Source code for UtilsJungfrau

:py:class:`UtilsJungfrau` contains utilities for Jungfrau detector correction

    Jungfrau gain range coding
    bit: 15,14,...,0   Gain range, ind
          0, 0         Normal,       0
          0, 1         ForcedGain1,  1
          1, 1         FixedGain2,   2

This software was developed for the SIT project.
If you use all or part of it, please give an appropriate acknowledgment.

Created on 2017-10-03 by Mikhail Dubrovin

import numpy as np
from time import time
from math import fabs
from Detector.GlobalUtils import print_ndarr, divide_protected

BW1 =  040000 # 16384 or 1<<14 (15-th bit starting from 1)
BW2 = 0100000 # 32768 or 2<<14 or 1<<15
BW3 = 0140000 # 49152 or 3<<14
MSK =  0x3fff # 16383 or (1<<14)-1 - 14-bit mask
#MSK =  037777 # 16383 or (1<<14)-1


class Storage :
    def __init__(self) :
        self.offs = None
        self.gfac = None

store = Storage() # singleton


[docs]def calib_jungfrau(det, evt, src, cmpars=(7,3,100)) : """ Returns calibrated jungfrau data - gets constants - gets raw data - evaluates (code - pedestal - offset) - applys common mode correction if turned on - apply gain factor Parameters - det (psana.Detector) - Detector object - evt (psana.Event) - Event object - src (psana.Source) - Source object - cmpars (tuple) - common mode parameters - cmpars[0] - algorithm # 7-for jungfrau - cmpars[1] - control bit-word 1-in rows, 2-in columns - cmpars[2] - maximal applied correction """ arr = det.raw(evt) # shape:(1, 512, 1024) dtype:uint16 #arr = np.array(det.raw(evt), dtype=np.float32) peds = det.pedestals(evt) # - 4d pedestals shape:(3, 1, 512, 1024) dtype:float32 #mask = det.status_as_mask(evt, mode=0) # - 4d mask gain = det.gain(evt) # - 4d gains offs = det.offset(evt) # - 4d offset cmp = det.common_mode(evt) if cmpars is None else cmpars if gain is None : gain = np.ones_like(peds) # - 4d gains if offs is None : offs = np.zeros_like(peds) # - 4d gains gfac = store.gfac if store.gfac is None : store.gfac = gfac = divide_protected(np.ones_like(peds), gain) #print_ndarr(cmp, 'XXX: common mode parameters ') #print_ndarr(arr, 'XXX: calib_jungfrau arr ') #print_ndarr(peds, 'XXX: calib_jungfrau peds') #print_ndarr(gain, 'XXX: calib_jungfrau gain') #print_ndarr(offs, 'XXX: calib_jungfrau offs') # make bool arrays of gain ranges shaped as data #abit15 = arr & BW1 # ~0.5ms #abit16 = arr & BW2 #gr0 = np.logical_not(arr & BW3) #1.6ms #gr1 = np.logical_and(abit15, np.logical_not(abit16)) #gr2 = np.logical_and(abit15, abit16) #pro_den =!=0,), (den,), default=1) # Define bool arrays of ranges # faster than bit operations gr0 = arr < BW1 # 490 us gr1 =(arr >= BW1) & (arr<BW2) # 714 us gr2 = arr >= BW3 # 400 us #print_ndarr(gr0, 'XXX: calib_jungfrau gr0') #print_ndarr(gr1, 'XXX: calib_jungfrau gr1') #print_ndarr(gr2, 'XXX: calib_jungfrau gr2') # Subtract pedestals arrf = np.array(arr & MSK, dtype=np.float32) arrf[gr0] -= peds[0,gr0] arrf[gr1] -= peds[1,gr1] #- arrf[gr1] arrf[gr2] -= peds[2,gr2] #- arrf[gr2] #a =, gr1, gr2), (gain[0,:], gain[1,:], gain[2,:]), default=1) # 2msec factor =, gr1, gr2), (gfac[0,:], gfac[1,:], gfac[2,:]), default=1) # 2msec offset =, gr1, gr2), (offs[0,:], offs[1,:], offs[2,:]), default=0) #print_ndarr(factor, 'XXX: calib_jungfrau factor') #print_ndarr(offset, 'XXX: calib_jungfrau offset') # Apply offset arrf -= offset t0_sec = time() #if False : if cmp is not None : mode, cormax = int(cmp[1]), cmp[2] #common_mode_2d(arrf, mask=gr0, cormax=cormax) for s in range(arrf.shape[0]) : if mode & 1 : common_mode_rows(arrf[s,], mask=gr0[s,], cormax=cormax) #common_mode_rows(arrf[s,:,:256], mask=gr0[s,:,:256], cormax=cormax) #common_mode_rows(arrf[s,:,256:], mask=gr0[s,:,256:], cormax=cormax) #common_mode_cols(arrf[s,:512,:], mask=gr0[s,:512,:], cormax=cormax) if mode & 2 : common_mode_cols(arrf[s,], mask=gr0[s,], cormax=cormax) pass #print '\nXXX: CM consumed time (sec) =', time()-t0_sec # 90-100msec total # Apply gain return arrf * factor
[docs]def common_mode_rows(arr, mask=None, cormax=None) : """Defines and applys common mode correction to 2-d arr using the same shape mask in loop for rows. """ rows, cols = arr.shape #print 'XXX.common_mode_rows.arr.shape', arr.shape for r in range(rows) : cmode = 0 cmode = np.median(arr[r,:][mask[r,:]]) if mask is not None else\ np.median(arr[r,:]) #print 'XXX.common_mode_2 cmode=%.3f, len(selected arr)=%d' % (cmode, len(arr[r,:][mask[r,:]])) if cormax is None or fabs(cmode) < cormax : if mask is not None : arr[r,:][mask[r,:]] -= cmode else : arr[r,:] -= cmode else : return
[docs]def common_mode_cols(arr, mask=None, cormax=None) : """Defines and applys common mode correction to 2-d arr using the same shape mask in loop for cols. """ rows, cols = arr.shape #print 'XXX.common_mode_cols.arr.shape', arr.shape for c in range(cols) : cmode = 0 cmode = np.median(arr[:,c][mask[:,c]]) if mask is not None else\ np.median(arr[:,c]) #print 'XXX.common_mode_2 cmode=%.3f, len(selected arr)=%d' % (cmode, len(arr[:,c][mask[:,c]])) if cormax is None or fabs(cmode) < cormax : if mask is not None : arr[:,c][mask[:,c]] -= cmode else : arr[:,c] -= cmode else : return
[docs]def common_mode_2d(arr, mask=None, cormax=None) : """Defines and applys common mode correction to entire 2-d arr using the same shape mask. """ cmode = 0 cmode = np.median(arr[mask>0]) if mask is not None else\ np.median(arr) #print 'XXX.common_mode_2 cmode=%.3f, len(selected arr)=%d' % (cmode, len(arr[mask>0])) if cormax is None or fabs(cmode) < cormax : if mask is not None : arr[mask>0] -= cmode else : arr -= cmode else : return
[docs]def common_mode_jungfrau(frame, cormax) : """ Parameters - frame (np.array) - shape=(512, 1024) """ intmax = 100 rows = 512 cols = 1024 banks = 4 bsize = cols/banks for r in range(rows): col0 = 0 for b in range(banks): try: cmode = np.median(frame[r, col0:col0+bsize][frame[r, col0:col0+bsize]<cormax]) if not np.isnan(cmode): ## e.g. found no pixels below intmax ## print r, cmode, col0, b, bsize if cmode<cormax-1 : frame[r, col0:col0+bsize] -= cmode except: cmode = -666 print "cmode problem" print frame[r, col0:col0 + bsize] col0 += bsize
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