Source code for TDCDetector
Detector interface for the TDC type
from DdlDetector import DdlDetector
import numpy as np
[docs]class TDCDetector(DdlDetector):
Provides access to hit times from a TDC device
with multiple channels.
def __init__(self, *args):
super(TDCDetector, self).__init__(*args)
# only support the standard channels for now, to try
# to make the users' and our lives simpler, until
# we receive requests for the extra functionality (i.e.
# no "Common" and no "AuxIO/Marker" channels)
self.chanlist = range(1,7)
[docs] def times(self,evt):
evt: a psana event object
A list of arrays, or None if data not found. Each array contains
the times (in seconds) of TDC hits for a channel.
return self._times(evt)
[docs] def overflows(self,evt):
evt: a psana event object
A list of arrays, or None if data not found. Each array contains
the times (in seconds) of TDC hits for a channel, for cases
where the time value has "wrapped".
# 0x8 turns on the bit looking for overflows
return self._times(evt,0x8)
def _times(self, evt, overflows=0):
ddls = self._fetch_ddls(evt)
# these 28 bits are the data (50ps per bit)
data = lambda vals: (vals&0xfffffff)*50e-12
# 3 lower bits define the channel number
# the 4th bit marks overflows, so we add it here
# to (optionally) filter out the overflow data to
# try to make the user's life simpler
chan_select = lambda vals,i: ((vals>>28)&0xf)==(i|overflows)
if len(ddls) == 1:
channels = []
tdc = ddls[0]
# get data into numpy, since DDL is awkward for this
# type: we get lists instead of an array and we can't
# do the C++-style down-casts that the TdcDataV1_Item
# wants us to do
values = np.array([d.value() for d in], dtype=np.uint32)
for i in self.chanlist:
arr = data(values[chan_select(values,i)])
channels = None
return channels
if __name__ == '__main__':
import psana
ds = psana.DataSource('exp=sxrm2016:run=7')
tdcdet = TDCDetector('DetInfo(SxrEndstation.0:AcqTDC.2)', ds.env())
print '----- Times -----'
for evt in
times = tdcdet.times(evt)
for chan,t in enumerate(times):
if t.size>0: print chan,t
print '----- Overflows -----'
for evt in
times = tdcdet.overflows(evt)
for chan,t in enumerate(times):
if t.size>0: print chan,t