Method :meth:`detector_factory` in :class:`PyDetector` returns instance of the detector data accessor
Method detector_factory(src,env) switches between detector data access objects depending on source parameter.
Currently implemented detector data access classes:
See classes
- :class:`AlgoAccess`
- :class:`AreaDetector`
- :class:`ControlDataDetector`
- :class:`DdlDetector` - access to DDL data
- :class:`DetectorTypes`
- :class:`EpicsDetector` - access to EPICS data
- :class:`EvrDetector` - access to EVR data
- :class:`Generic1DDetector`
- :class:`GenericWFDetector`
- :class:`GlobalUtils`
- :class:`IpimbDetector`
- :class:`OceanDetector`
- :class:`PyDataAccess`
- :class:`PyDetectorAccess` - Python access interface to data
- :class:`PyDetector` - factory for different detectors
- :class:`TDCDetector`
- :class:`UsdUsbDetector` - UsdUsb Encoder Box
- :class:`WFDetector` - access to waveform detector data
# Import
import psana
# Input parameters
# str object for data source can be defined using DAQ detector name
src = 'XppGon.0:Cspad.0' # or its alias 'cspad'
# The list of available detector names and alieses for data set can be printed by the command like
# detnames exp=xpptut15:run=54
# env object can be defined from data set
ds = psana.DataSource('exp=xpptut15:run=54')
env = ds.env()
# Create detector object
det = psana.Detector(src, env)
# in ipython the list of det methods can be seen using "tab completion" operation - type "det." and hit the Tab key.
This software was developed for the LCLS project.
If you use all or part of it, please give an appropriate acknowledgment.
import _psana
import re
import Detector.DetectorTypes as dt
from Detector.EpicsDetector import EpicsDetector
from Detector.ControlDataDetector import ControlDataDetector
[docs]class DetInfo(object):
A class that provides a consistent string repr for all
detectors, e.g. BldInfo() types that have only a single
name and DetInfo() types that adhere to ".:." syntax.
If that didn't mean anything to you, then you don't
need this class.
[docs] def __init__(self,source_string):
Interpret a string like 'DetInfo(CxiDs2.0:Cspad.0)' in terms of:
detector_type --> 'CxiDs2'
detector_id --> 0
device_type --> 'Cspad'
device_id --> 0
m = re.search('(\w+).(\d)\:(\w+).(\d)', source_string)
if m:
mg = m.groups()
self.det = mg[0]
self.detid = int(mg[1])
self.dev = mg[2]
self.devid = int(mg[3])
self.dev = source_string
def __repr__(self):
if not hasattr(self,'det'):
return self.dev
return self.det+'.'+str(self.detid)+':'+self.dev+'.'+str(self.devid)
# the following function is renamed psana.Detector in the
# psana __init__.py file
[docs]def detector_factory(source_string, env, *args, **kwargs):
See psana/src/det_interface.py for documentation
# > create an instance of the determined detector type & return it
source_string = map_alias_to_source(source_string, env)
dt = dettype(source_string, env, *args, **kwargs)
det_instance = dt(source_string, env)
det_instance.name = DetInfo(source_string)
return det_instance
[docs]def map_alias_to_source(source_string, env):
Check to see if `source_string` is in the `env` alias map, and if so
use the alias map to look it up and return the psana Source string
corresponding to that alias.
- source_string : str
A string identifying a piece of data to access, examples include:
- env : psana.Env
The psana environment object associated with the psana.DataSource
you are interested in (from method DataSource.env()).
- source_string : str
De-aliased source string -- a unique identifier.
# see if the source_string is an alias
amap = env.aliasMap()
alias_src = amap.src(source_string) # string --> DAQ-style psana.Src
# if it is an alias, look up the full name
if amap.alias(alias_src) != '': # alias found
source_string = str(alias_src)
return source_string
# the following function is renamed psana.Detector in the
# psana __init__.py file
[docs]def dettype(source_string, env, accept_missing=False, *args, **kwargs):
Create a python Detector-class "type" from a string identifier.
- source_string : str
A string identifying a piece of data to access, examples include:
- 'cspad' # a DAQ detector alias
- 'XppGon.0:Cspad.0' # a DAQ detector full-name
- 'DIAG:FEE1:202:241:Data' # an EPICS variable name (or alias)
- 'EBeam' # a BldInfo identifier\n
The idea is that you should be able to pass something that makes
sense to you as a human here, and you automatically get the right
detector object in return.
- env : psana.Env
The psana environment object associated with the psana.DataSource
you are interested in (from method DataSource.env()).
- The type of the appropriate detector class
epics = env.epicsStore()
if source_string in epics.names(): # both names & aliases
detector_class = EpicsDetector
elif source_string in ['ControlData', 'ScanData']:
detector_class = ControlDataDetector
elif source_string in dt.bld_info.keys(): # if source is a BldInfo...
detector_class = dt.bld_info[source_string]
else: # assume source is a DetInfo...
di = DetInfo(source_string)
if di.dev in dt.detectors.keys():
detector_class = dt.detectors[di.dev]
if accept_missing:
detector_class = dt.MissingDet
raise KeyError('Unknown DetInfo device type: %s (source: %s)'
'' % (di.dev, source_string))
return detector_class
def _test1(ntest):
"""Test of the detector_factory(src, env) for AreaDetector and WFDetector classes.
from time import time
import psana
dsname, src = 'exp=xpptut15:run=54', 'XppGon.0:Cspad.0'
if ntest==2 : dsname, src = 'exp=meca1113:run=376', 'MecTargetChamber.0:Cspad2x2.1'
elif ntest==3 : dsname, src = 'exp=amob5114:run=403', 'Camp.0:pnCCD.0'
elif ntest==4 : dsname, src = 'exp=xppi0614:run=74', 'NoDetector.0:Epix100a.0'
elif ntest==5 : dsname, src = 'exp=sxri0414:run=88', 'SxrEndstation.0:Acqiris.2'
elif ntest==6 : dsname, src = 'exp=cxii0215:run=49', 'CxiEndstation.0:Imp.1'
print 'Example for\n dataset: %s\n source : %s' % (dsname, src)
ds = psana.DataSource(dsname)
env = ds.env()
cls = env.calibStore()
eviter = ds.events()
evt = eviter.next()
rnum = evt.run()
for key in evt.keys() : print key
det = detector_factory(src, env)
try :
nda = det.pedestals(rnum)
print '\nnda:\n', nda
print 'nda.dtype: %s nda.shape: %s' % (nda.dtype, nda.shape)
except :
print 'WARNING: det.pedestals(rnum) is not available for dataset: %s and source : %s' % (dsname, src)
try :
t0_sec = time()
nda = det.raw(evt)
print '\nConsumed time to get raw data (sec) =', time()-t0_sec
print 'nda:\n', nda.flatten()[0:10]
except :
print 'WARNING: det.raw(evt) is not available for dataset: %s and source : %s' % (dsname, src)
def _test2():
"""Test of the detector_factory(src, env) for EvrDetector, DdlDetectorand and EpicsDetector classes.
# test EVR names
import psana
#ds = psana.DataSource('exp=amoj5415:run=43')
ds = psana.DataSource('exp=xpptut15:run=54')
env = ds.env()
names = ['cspad',
for name in names:
det = detector_factory(name, env)
print name, '-->', type(det)
for evt in ds.events():
print det(evt)
def _test3():
import psana
ds = psana.DataSource('exp=xppk3815:run=100:idx')
#det = psana.Detector('ControlData', ds.env())
det = psana.Detector('ControlData')
run = ds.runs().next()
nsteps = run.nsteps()
for step in range(nsteps):
times = run.times(step)
for t in times[:2]:
evt = run.event(t)
print t, det().pvControls()[0].value()
def test4():
import psana
ds = psana.DataSource('exp=xpptut15:run=54')
env = ds.env()
d = psana.Detector('evr0')
d2 = psana.Detector('yag2')
print d.source, d2.source
print d( ds.events().next() )
print d2.raw( ds.events().next() )
if __name__ == '__main__':
#for i in range(5): _test1(i)
import sys; sys.exit()
try : ntest = int(sys.argv[1]) if len(sys.argv)>1 else 0
except : raise ValueError('First input parameter "%s" is expected to be empty or integer test number' % sys.argv[1])
print 'Test# %d' % ntest
if len(sys.argv)<2 : _test2()
else : _test1(ntest)
sys.exit ('Self test is done')