Source code for ControlDataDetector

import _psana

[docs]class ControlDataDetector(object): """ An object that can be used to query the names/states of motors used in a DAQ scan. See PSDM confluence building-block examples documentation. Create this object with Detector('ControlData'). """
[docs] def __init__(self, source_string, env): """ Parameters ---------- source_string: User must pass string 'ControlData' to the Detector constructor env : psana.Env The environment, for example from psana.DataSource.env() """ self._config_store = env.configStore() for k in self._config_store.keys(): if 'ControlData.Config' in str(k.type()): self._type = k.type() self._source = k.src() #psana.Source('ProcInfo()') return
[docs] def __call__(self, evt=None): """ Parameters ---------- evt: an (optional) psana Event object. It is unused in this routine, but provided to make the interface similar to other Returns ------- An object that can be used to query the names/states of motors used in a DAQ scan. See PSDM confluence building-block examples documentation. """ return self._config_store.get(self._type, self._source)
if __name__ == '__main__': import psana ds = psana.DataSource('exp=xppk3815:run=100:idx') cdd = ControlDataDetector('', ds.env()) run = ds.runs().next() nsteps = run.nsteps() for step in range(nsteps): times = run.times(step) for t in times[:2]: evt = run.event(t) print t, cdd().pvControls()[0].value() print 'done'