Source code for AreaDetector

Class :py:class:`AreaDetector` contains a collection of access methods to detector data and meta-data

Access method to calibration and geometry parameters, raw data, etc.
Low level implementation is done on C++ or python.


    # !!! NOTE: None is returned whenever requested information is missing.

    # import
    import psana

    # retreive parameters from psana etc.
    dsname = 'exp=xpptut15:run=54'
    src = 'XppGon.0:Cspad.0' # or its alias 'cspad'

    ds  = psana.DataSource(dsname)
    env = ds.env()
    evt =
    runnum =

    # parameter par can be either runnum or evt    
    par = runnum # or = evt
    cmpars=(1,25,10,91) # custom tuple of common mode parameters

    det = psana.Detector(src, env)

    # or directly
    from Detector.AreaDetector import AreaDetector    
    det = AreaDetector(src, env, pbits=0)

    # set parameters, if changed

    # for Camera type of detector only
    det.set_do_offset(do_offset=False) # NOTE: should be called right after det object is created, before getting data

    # print info

    # get pixel array shape, size, and nomber of dimensions
    shape = det.shape(par=0)
    size  = det.size(par=0)
    ndim  = det.ndim(par=0)
    instrument = det.instrument()

    # access intensity calibration parameters
    peds   = det.pedestals(par) # returns array of pixel pedestals from calib store type pedestals
    rms    = det.rms(par)       # returns array of pixel dark noise rms from calib store type pixel_rms
    gain   = det.gain(par)      # returns array of pixel gain from calib store type pixel_gain
    offset = det.offset(par)    # returns array of pixel offset from calib store type pixel_offset
    bkgd   = det.bkgd(par)      # returns array of pixel background from calib store type pixel_bkgd
    status = det.status(par)    # returns array of pixel status from calib store type pixel_status
    datast = det.datast(par)    # returns array of pixel status from calib store type pixel_datast
    stmask = det.status_as_mask(par, mode=0) # returns array of masked bad pixels in det.status 
                                             # mode=0/1/2 masks zero/four/eight neighbors around each bad pixel
    mask   = det.mask_calib(par)  # returns array of pixel mask from calib store type pixel_mask
    cmod   = det.common_mode(par) # returns 1-d array of common mode parameters from calib store type common_mode

    # per-pixel (int16) gain mask from configuration data; 1/0 for low/high gain pixels,
    # or (float) per-pixel gain factors if gain is not None
    gmap = det.gain_mask(par, gain=None) # returns array of pixel gains using configuration data
    gmnz = det.gain_mask_non_zero(par, gain=None) # returns None if ALL pixels have high gain and mask should not be applied

    # set gfactor=high/low gain factor for CSPAD(2X2) in det.calib and det.image methods

    # set flag (for Chuck)

    # get raw data
    nda_raw = det.raw(evt)

    # get calibrated data (applied corrections: pedestals, common mode, gain mask, gain, pixel status mask)
    nda_cdata = det.calib(evt)
    # and with custom common mode parameter sequence
    nda_cdata = det.calib(evt, cmpars=(1,25,10,91)) # see description of common mode algorithms in confluence,
    # and with combined mask.
    nda_cdata = det.calib(evt, mbits=1) # see description of det.mask_comb method.

    # common mode correction for pedestal-subtracted numpy array nda:
    det.common_mode_apply(par, nda)
    cm_corr_nda = det.common_mode_correction(par, nda)
    # or with custom common mode parameter sequence
    det.common_mode_apply(par, nda, cmpars)
    cm_corr_nda = det.common_mode_correction(par, nda, cmpars)

    # access geometry information
    geo        = det.geometry(par)   # returns geometry object (top-most)
    cx         = det.coords_x(par)   # returns array of pixel x coordinates
    cy         = det.coords_y(par)   # returns array of pixel y coordinates
    cz         = det.coords_z(par)   # returns array of pixel z coordinates
    cx, cy     = det.coords_xy(par)  # returns arrays of pixel x and y coordinates
    cx, cy, cz = det.coords_xyz(par) # returns arrays of pixel x, y, and z coordinates
    areas      = det.areas(par)      # returns array of pixel areas relative smallest pixel
    mask_geo   = det.mask_geo(par, mbits=15, **kwargs) # returns mask of segment-specific pixels
                                             #  mbits = +1-edges; +2-wide central cols;
                                             #          +4/+8/+16-non-bond / with four / with eight neighbors
                                             # **kwargs - dict of additional parameters (width=5,...)
    ix         = det.indexes_x(par)  # returns array of pixel indexes along x for image
    iy         = det.indexes_y(par)  # returns array of pixel indexes along y for image
    ix, iy     = det.indexes_xy(par) # returns arrays of pixel indexes along x and y for image
    pixel_size = det.pixel_size(par) # returns array of pixel sizes
    ipx, ipy   = det.point_indexes(par, pxy_um=(0,0)) # by default returns detector origin indexes

    # change geometry object parameters
    det.move_geo(par, dx, dy, dz)    # move detector it 3-d space
    det.tilt_geo(par, dtx, dty, dtz) # tilt detector around 3 axes

    # access to combined mask
    # NOTE: by default none of mask keywords is set to True, returns None.
    mask = det.mask(par, calib=False, status=False, edges=False, central=False, unbond=False, unbondnbrs=False, unbondnbrs8=False, **kwargs)

    # or cashed mask with mbits - bitword control
    mask = det.mask_comb(par, mbits, **kwargs)
    # where mbits has bits for pixel_status, pixel_mask, edges, central, unbond, unbondnbrs, unbondnbrs8, respectively

    # static-mask methods for n-d mask arrays
    mask_nbr = det.mask_neighbors(mask, allnbrs=True) # allnbrs=False/True for 4/8 neighbors
    mask_edg = det.mask_edges(mask, mrows=1, mcols=1)

    # reconstruct image
    img   = det.image(evt) # uses calib() by default
    img   = det.image(evt, img_nda)
    xaxis = det.image_xaxis(par)
    yaxis = det.image_yaxis(par)

    # special case of indexing using non-default pixel scale size and x, y coordinate offset
    ix       = det.indexes_x(par, pix_scale_size_um=110, xy0_off_pix=(1000,1000))
    iy       = det.indexes_y(par, pix_scale_size_um=None, xy0_off_pix=None)
    ix, iy   = det.indexes_xy(par, pix_scale_size_um=None, xy0_off_pix=None)
    ipx, ipy = det.point_indexes(par, pxy_um=(0,0), pix_scale_size_um=None, xy0_off_pix=None) 
    img      = det.image(evt, img_nda, pix_scale_size_um=None, xy0_off_pix=None)
    xaxis    = det.image_xaxis(par, pix_scale_size_um=None, x0_off_pix=None)
    yaxis    = det.image_yaxis(par, pix_scale_size_um=None, y0_off_pix=None)

    # converting 2-d image to non-assembled array using pixel geometry information.
    # if geometry info is missing - returns None, except the case when flag is set by det.do_reshape_2d_to_3d(True).  
    nda      = det.ndarray_from_image(par, image, pix_scale_size_um=None, xy0_off_pix=None)

    # save n-d numpy array in the text file with metadata (global methods under hood of the class object)
    det.save_txtnda(fname='nda.txt', ndarr=myndarr, cmts=('comment1', 'comment2'), fmt='%.1f', verbos=False, addmetad=True)
    # or convenience method for cspad2x2
    det.save_asdaq(fname='nda.txt', ndarr=myndarr, cmts=('comment1', 'comment2'), fmt='%.1f', verbos=False, addmetad=True)

    # load n-d numpy array from the text file with metadata
    nda = det.load_txtnda(fname)

    # merge photons split between pixels and return array with integer number of photons per pixel
    nda_nphotons = det.photons(self, evt, nda_calib=None, mask=None, adu_per_photon=None, thr_fraction=0.9)

See classes
  - :class:`AlgoAccess`
  - :class:`AreaDetector`
  - :class:`ControlDataDetector`
  - :class:`DdlDetector`       - access to DDL data
  - :class:`DetectorTypes`
  - :class:`EpicsDetector`     - access to EPICS data
  - :class:`EvrDetector`       - access to EVR data
  - :class:`Generic1DDetector`
  - :class:`GenericWFDetector`
  - :class:`GlobalUtils`
  - :class:`IpimbDetector`
  - :class:`OceanDetector`
  - :class:`PyDataAccess`
  - :class:`PyDetectorAccess`  - Python access interface to data
  - :class:`PyDetector`        - factory for different detectors
  - :class:`TDCDetector`
  - :class:`UsdUsbDetector`    - UsdUsb Encoder Box
  - :class:`WFDetector`        - access to waveform detector data

This software was developed for the LCLS project.
If you use all or part of it, please give an appropriate acknowledgment.

Author Mikhail Dubrovin

import sys
import _psana
import Detector
import numpy as np
import PSCalib.GlobalUtils as gu
from   PSCalib.GeometryObject import data2x2ToTwo2x1, two2x1ToData2x2
from   Detector.PyDetectorAccess import PyDetectorAccess
#from   Detector.GlobalUtils import print_ndarr

from Detector.UtilsJungfrau import calib_jungfrau


[docs]class AreaDetector(object): """Python access to area detector data. Low level access is implemented on python or C++ through the boost::python wrapper """ ##-----------------------------
[docs] def __init__(self, src, env, pbits=0, iface='P') : """Constructor of the class :class:`AreaDetector`. Parameters - src : str - data source, e.g. 'CxiDs2.0:Cspad.0' - env : psana.Env - environment, e.g. env=ds.env(), where ds=psana.DataSource('exp=cxif5315:run=169') - pbits : int - print control bit-word - iface : char - preferable interface: 'C' - C++ (everything) or 'P' - Python based (everything except common mode) """ self.env = env self.pbits = pbits self.iscpp = True if iface=='C' else False self.ispyt = True if iface=='P' else False self.set_source(src, set_sub=False) self.dettype = gu.det_type_from_source(self.source) self.da = Detector.DetectorAccess(self.source, self.env, pbits) # , 0xffff) C++ access methods self.pyda = PyDetectorAccess(self.source, self.env, pbits) # Python data access methods self._shape = None self._size = None self._ndim = None self._rnum_mask = None self._mbits_mask = None self._mask_nda = None if self.pbits & 1 : self.print_members() self.set_gain_mask_factor(gfactor=6.85) # cpo default value for CSPAD(2x2) gain_mask, det.calib, det.image self.do_reshape_2d_to_3d(flag=False) # Chuck - mandatory re-shaping 2-d to 3-d arrays self.alg_photons = None
[docs] def set_source(self, srcpar, set_sub=True) : """Sets data source parameter. Parameters - srcpar : str - regular source or its alias, ex.: 'XppEndstation.0:Rayonix.0' or 'rayonix' - set_sub : bool - default=True - propagates source parameter to low level package """ #print 'type of srcpar: ', type(srcpar) src = srcpar if isinstance(srcpar, _psana.Source) else _psana.Source(srcpar) str_src = gu.string_from_source(src) # in case of alias convert it to _psana.Src amap = self.env.aliasMap() psasrc = amap.src(str_src) self.source = src if amap.alias(psasrc) == '' else amap.src(str_src) if not isinstance(self.source, _psana.Source) : self.source = _psana.Source(self.source) if self.pbits & 16 : print '%s: input source: %s' % (self.__class__.__name__, src),\ '\n string source: %s' % (str_src),\ '\n source object: %s of type: %s' % (self.source, type(self.source)) if set_sub : self.pyda.set_source(self.source) self.da.set_source(self.source)
[docs] def print_members(self) : """Depricated method renamed to print_attributes() """ self.print_attributes()
[docs] def print_attributes(self) : """Prints some of object attributes. """ print 'AreaDetector object attributes:', \ '\n source : %s' % self.source, \ '\n dettype: %d' % self.dettype, \ '\n detname: %s' % gu.dic_det_type_to_name[self.dettype], \ '\n pbits : %d' % self.pbits, \ '\n iscpp : %d' % self.iscpp, \ '\n ispyt : %d' % self.ispyt if self.iscpp : self.da.print_members() else : self.pyda.print_attributes()
[docs] def set_print_bits(self, pbits) : """Sets print-control bitword. Parameter - pbits : int - print-control bitword, ex.: 0377 (octal) """ self.pbits = pbits self.da.set_print_bits(pbits) self.pyda.set_print_bits(pbits)
[docs] def set_env(self, env) : """Sets environment variable. Parameter - env : psana.Env() - psana environment variable, ex.: env=ds.env() """ self.env = env self.pyda.set_env(env)
#self.da.set_env(env) # is not implemented and is not used this way ##-----------------------------
[docs] def set_do_offset(self, do_offset=False) : """Switch mode of the Camera type of detector. Parameter - do_offset : bool - control parameter to turn on/off Camera intensity offset, default=False """ self.pyda.set_do_offset(do_offset) self.da.setMode(0 if do_offset else 1)
[docs] def runnum(self, par) : """Returns integer run number from different options of input parameter. Parameter - par : int or psana.Event() - integer run number or psana event object. Returns - int - run number or 0 if can't be defined. """ return par if isinstance(par, int) else if isinstance(par, _psana.Event) else 0
[docs] def is_cspad(self) : """Returns (bool) True/False for CSPAD/other detector type """ return self.dettype == gu.CSPAD
[docs] def is_cspad2x2(self) : """Returns (bool) True/False for CSPAD2x2/other detector type """ return self.dettype == gu.CSPAD2X2
#if arr is not None and arr.size == 143560 : return True ##-----------------------------
[docs] def is_jungfrau(self) : """Returns (bool) True/False for jungfrau/other detector type """ return self.dettype == gu.JUNGFRAU
[docs] def ndim(self, par) : # par = evt or runnum(int) """Returns number of dimensions of current detector pixel numpy array. Parameter - par : int or psana.Event() - integer run number or psana event object. Returns - int - number of dimensions of current detector pixel numpy array. If ndim>3 then returns 3. """ if self._ndim is None : nd = self.pyda.ndim(par) self._ndim = nd if nd<4 else 3 return self._ndim
[docs] def size(self, par) : """Returns size of the detector pixel-array. Parameter - par : int or psana.Event() - integer run number or psana event object. Returns - int - size of the detector numpy pixel-array (number of pixels) """ if self._size is None : self._size = self.pyda.size(par) return self._size
[docs] def shape(self, par=0) : """Returns shape of the detector pixel-array. For all detectors except cspad2x2 shape is the same as in DAQ. Parameter - par : int or psana.Event() - integer run number or psana event object. Returns - np.array - shape of the detector pixel-array, ex. for cspad (32,185,388). """ return np.array((2,185,388)) if self.is_cspad2x2() else self._shape_daq_(par)
##----------------------------- def _shape_daq_(self, par=0) : """Returns 2- or 3-d shape of the detector pixel-array as in DAQ. Parameter - par : int or psana.Event() - integer run number or psana event object.\ Returns - np.array - detector pixel-array shape. If ndim .gt. 3 shape is reduced to 3-d. Ex.: the shape like (4,8,185,388) is reduced to (32,185,388) """ if self._shape is None : sh = self.pyda.shape(par) self._shape = sh if len(sh)<4 else np.array((self.size(par)/sh[-1]/sh[-2], sh[-2], sh[-1])) return self._shape ##-----------------------------
[docs] def loading_status(self, par, calibtype=None) : """Returns loading status of calibration constants of specified type. Parameters - rnum : int - run number - calibtype : int - enumerated value from the list gu.PEDESTALS, PIXEL_STATUS, PIXEL_RMS, PIXEL_GAIN, PIXEL_MASK, PIXEL_BKGD, COMMON_MODE. Returns - int - enumerated value from the list gu.LOADED, DEFAULT, UNREADABLE, UNDEFINED, WRONGSIZE, NONFOUND. """ if self.iscpp : return self.da.status_v0(self.runnum(par), calibtype) else : return self.pyda.status(par, calibtype)
[docs] def do_reshape_2d_to_3d(self, flag=False) : """For Chuck - if flag is True - reshape 2-d arrays to 3-d. Parameters - flag : bool - False(def)/True """ self.reshape_to_3d = flag self.pyda.do_reshape_2d_to_3d(flag)
##----------------------------- def _shaped_array_(self, par, arr, calibtype=None) : """Returns shaped numpy.array if shape is defined and constants are loaded from file, None othervise. Parameters - par : int | psana.Event - run number of event object - arr : np.array - array to re-shape - calibtype : int - DEPRICATED calibration type Returns - np.array - reshaped input array, None if arr is None or zero size, input array as is if its size is inconsistent with expected (should be better to rise.IOError). """ rnum = self.runnum(par) if arr is None : return None if arr.size == 0 : return None if arr.size != self.size(rnum) : #msg = 'WARNING: Array shape %s size %d is different from its configuration shape %s size %d' %\ # (arr.shape, arr.size, self._shape_daq_(rnum), self.size(rnum)) #print msg #raise IOError(msg) return arr # return array as is shape = self._shape_daq_(rnum) # for 2-d detectors if self.dettype in (gu.EPIX100A,\ gu.PRINCETON,\ gu.ANDOR,\ gu.ANDOR3D,\ gu.OPAL1000,\ gu.OPAL2000,\ gu.OPAL4000,\ gu.OPAL8000,\ gu.TM6740,\ gu.ORCAFL40,\ gu.FCCD960,\ gu.QUARTZ4A150,\ gu.RAYONIX,\ gu.FCCD,\ gu.TIMEPIX,\ gu.FLI,\ gu.PIMAX) : #if self.reshape_to_3d and len(shape)==2 : if self.reshape_to_3d : arr.shape = (1,shape[-2],shape[-1]) else : arr.shape = shape return arr #if calibtype is not None : # status = self.loading_status(rnum, calibtype) # if status != gu.LOADED and status != gu.DEFAULT : return None arr.shape = shape return arr if not self.is_cspad2x2() else data2x2ToTwo2x1(arr) ##----------------------------- def _nda_or_none_(self, nda) : """Returns ndarray or None. """ if nda is None : return None return nda if nda.size else None ##-----------------------------
[docs] def pedestals(self, par) : """Returns per-pixel array of pedestals (dark run intensities) from calib directory. Parameter - par : int or psana.Event() - integer run number or psana event object. Returns - np.array - per-pixel values loaded for calibration type pedestals. """ return self._shaped_array_(par, self.pyda.pedestals(par), gu.PEDESTALS)
#rnum = self.runnum(par) #if self.iscpp : return self._shaped_array_(rnum, self.da.pedestals_v0(rnum), gu.PEDESTALS) #else : return self._shaped_array_(rnum, self.pyda.pedestals(par), gu.PEDESTALS) ##-----------------------------
[docs] def rms(self, par) : """Returns per-pixel array of RMS values from calib directory. Parameter - par : int or psana.Event() - integer run number or psana event object. Returns - np.array - per-pixel values loaded for calibration type pixel_rms. """ return self._shaped_array_(par, self.pyda.pixel_rms(par), gu.PIXEL_RMS)
#rnum = self.runnum(par) #if self.iscpp : return self._shaped_array_(rnum, self.da.pixel_rms_v0(rnum), gu.PIXEL_RMS) #else : return self._shaped_array_(rnum, self.pyda.pixel_rms(par), gu.PIXEL_RMS) ##-----------------------------
[docs] def gain(self, par) : """Returns per-pixel array of gain factors from calib directory. Parameter - par : int or psana.Event() - integer run number or psana event object. Returns - np.array - per-pixel values loaded for calibration type pixel_gain. """ return self._shaped_array_(par, self.pyda.pixel_gain(par), gu.PIXEL_GAIN)
#rnum = self.runnum(par) #if self.iscpp : return self._shaped_array_(rnum, self.da.pixel_gain_v0(rnum), gu.PIXEL_GAIN) #else : return self._shaped_array_(rnum, self.pyda.pixel_gain(par), gu.PIXEL_GAIN) ##-----------------------------
[docs] def offset(self, par) : """Returns per-pixel array of offsets from calib directory. Parameter - par : int or psana.Event() - integer run number or psana event object. Returns - np.array - per-pixel values loaded for calibration type pixel_offset. """ return self._shaped_array_(par, self.pyda.pixel_offset(par), gu.PIXEL_OFFSET)
[docs] def mask_calib(self, par) : """Returns per-pixel array of mask from calib directory. Parameter - par : int or psana.Event() - integer run number or psana event object. Returns - np.array - per-pixel values loaded for calibration type pixel_mask. """ return self._shaped_array_(par, self.pyda.pixel_mask(par), gu.PIXEL_MASK)
#rnum = self.runnum(par) #if self.iscpp : return self._shaped_array_(rnum, self.da.pixel_mask_v0(rnum), gu.PIXEL_MASK) #else : return self._shaped_array_(rnum, self.pyda.pixel_mask(par), gu.PIXEL_MASK) ##-----------------------------
[docs] def bkgd(self, par) : """Returns per-pixel array of background intensities from calib directory. Parameter - par : int or psana.Event() - integer run number or psana event object. Returns - np.array - per-pixel values loaded for calibration type pixel_bkgd. """ return self._shaped_array_(par, self.pyda.pixel_bkgd(par), gu.PIXEL_BKGD)
#rnum = self.runnum(par) #if self.iscpp : return self._shaped_array_(rnum, self.da.pixel_bkgd_v0(rnum), gu.PIXEL_BKGD) #else : return self._shaped_array_(rnum, self.pyda.pixel_bkgd(par), gu.PIXEL_BKGD) ##-----------------------------
[docs] def status(self, par) : """Returns array of pixel-status from calib directory. Parameter - par : int or psana.Event() - integer run number or psana event object. Returns - np.array - per-pixel values loaded for calibration type pixel_status. status bits: 0 - good pixel 1 - saturated intensity 2 - hot rms 4 - cold 8 - cold rms """ return self._shaped_array_(par, self.pyda.pixel_status(par), gu.PIXEL_STATUS)
#rnum = self.runnum(par) #if self.iscpp : return self._shaped_array_(rnum, self.da.pixel_status_v0(rnum), gu.PIXEL_STATUS) #else : return self._shaped_array_(rnum, self.pyda.pixel_status(par), gu.PIXEL_STATUS) ##-----------------------------
[docs] def datast(self, par) : """Returns array of pixel data status from calib directory, the same as status, but evaluated for non-dark data runs. Parameter - par : int or psana.Event() - integer run number or psana event object. Returns - np.array - per-pixel values loaded for calibration type pixel_datast. status bits: 0 - good pixel 1,2,4,8,.. TBD """ return self._shaped_array_(par, self.pyda.pixel_datast(par), gu.PIXEL_DATAST)
[docs] def status_as_mask(self, par, mode=0) : """Returns per-pixel array of mask generated from pixel_status. Parameter - par : int or psana.Event() - integer run number or psana event object. - mode : int - 0/1/2 masks zero/four/eight neighbors around each bad pixel Returns - np.array - mask generated from calibration type pixel_status (1/0 for status 0/>0, respectively). """ stat = self.status(par) if stat is None : return None smask = np.asarray(>0,), (0,), default=1), dtype=np.uint8) if mode : smask = gu.mask_neighbors(smask, allnbrs=(True if mode==2 else False)) if self.is_jungfrau() : mask01 = gu.merge_masks(smask[0,:], smask[1,:]) return gu.merge_masks(smask[2,:], mask01) if self.is_cspad2x2() : return smask # stat already has a shape (2,185,388) return self._shaped_array_(par, smask, gu.PIXEL_STATUS)
[docs] def mask_neighbors(self, mask, allnbrs=True) : """Returns n-d array of mask with masked neighbors on each 2-d segment. Parameter - mask : np.array - input mask of good/bad (1/0) pixels - allnbrs : bool - False/True masks 4/8 of neighbors around each bad pixel Returns - np.array - mask with masked neighbors, shape = mask.shape """ return gu.mask_neighbors(mask, allnbrs)
[docs] def mask_edges(self, mask, mrows=1, mcols=1) : """Returns n-d array of mask with masked mrows and mcols edges on each 2-d segment. Parameter - mask : np.array - input mask of good/bad (1/0) pixels - mrows : int - number of edge rows to mask - mcols : int - number of edge columns to mask Returns - np.array - mask with masked edges, shape = mask.shape """ return gu.mask_edges(mask, mrows, mcols)
[docs] def gain_mask(self, par, gain=None) : """Returns per-pixel array with gain mask evaluated from detector configuration data. Parameter - par : int or psana.Event() - integer run number or psana event object. - gain : float - gain factor; mask will be multiplied by this factor if it is specified. Returns - np.array - per-pixel gain mask; (int16) 1/0 or (float) gain/1 for low/high gain pixels. """ return self._shaped_array_(par, self.pyda.gain_mask(par, gain), gu.PIXEL_MASK)
#return self.pyda.gain_mask(par, gain) ##-----------------------------
[docs] def gain_mask_non_zero(self, par, gain=None) : """The same as gain_mask, but return None if ALL pixels have high gain. Parameter - par : int or psana.Event() - integer run number or psana event object. - gain : float - gain factor; mask will be multiplied by this factor if it is specified. Returns - np.array - per-pixel gain mask; (int16) 1/0 or (float) gain/1 for low/high gain pixels. """ return self._shaped_array_(par, self.pyda.gain_mask_non_zero(par, gain), gu.PIXEL_MASK)
#return self.pyda.gain_mask_non_zero(par, gain) ##-----------------------------
[docs] def common_mode(self, par) : """Returns array of common mode correction parameters. Parameter - par : int or psana.Event() - integer run number or psana event object. Returns - np.array - values loaded for calibration type common_mode. """ return self.pyda.common_mode(par)
#rnum = self.runnum(par) #if self.iscpp : return self.da.common_mode_v0(rnum) #else : return self.pyda.common_mode(par) ##-----------------------------
[docs] def instrument(self) : """Returns name of instrument. Returns - str - name of instrument, ex.: 'AMO', 'XPP', 'SXR', 'CXI, 'MEC', 'XCS', etc. """ return self.pyda.inst()
#if self.iscpp : return self.da.instrument(self.env) #else : return self.pyda.inst() ##-----------------------------
[docs] def print_config(self, evt) : """Prints configuration parameters if available. Parameter - evt : psana.Event() - psana event object. """ self.pyda.print_config(evt)
#if self.iscpp : self.da.print_config(evt, self.env) #else : self.pyda.print_config(evt) ##-----------------------------
[docs] def raw_data(self, evt) : """Alias for depricated method renamed to raw(evt) """ return self.raw(evt)
[docs] def raw(self, evt) : """Returns per-pixel array of intensities from raw data. Parameter - evt : psana.Event() - psana event object. Returns - np.array - per-pixel intensities [ADU] of raw data. """ rdata = None if self.iscpp : if self.dettype == gu.CSPAD : rdata = self.da.data_int16_3 (evt, self.env) elif self.dettype == gu.CSPAD2X2 : rdata = self.da.data_int16_3 (evt, self.env) elif self.dettype == gu.PNCCD : rdata = self.da.data_uint16_3(evt, self.env) else : rdata = self.da.data_uint16_2(evt, self.env) else: rdata = self.pyda.raw_data(evt, self.env) if rdata is not None : return self._shaped_array_(self.runnum(evt), rdata) if self.pbits : print 'WARNING: AreaDetector.raw - data for source %s is not found in %s interface.'%\ (self.source, 'C++' if self.iscpp else 'Python') return rdata
[docs] def common_mode_apply(self, par, nda, cmpars=None, **kwargs) : """Apply common mode correction algorithm. Apply common mode correction to nda (assuming that nda is data ndarray with subtracted pedestals) nda.dtype = np.float32 (or 64) is considered only, because common mode does not make sense for int data. If cmpars is not None then this sequence is used to override default common mode parameters coming from calib/.../common_mode/... Parameters - par : int or psana.Event() - integer run number or psana event object. - nda : np.array - input: raw data with subtracted pedestals, output: cm corrected data. - cmpars : list - common mode parameters, ex.: (1,50,50,100). By default uses parameters from calib directory. Returns - I/O parameter nda : np.array - per-pixel corrected intensities. """ rnum = self.runnum(par) shape0 = nda.shape nda.shape = (nda.size,) pycm = False if cmpars is not None: if cmpars[0] in [6]: pycm = True if pycm: # go into python self.pyda.common_mode_apply(cmpars[0], kwargs, nda) else: # go into cpp if cmpars is not None: self.da.set_cmod_pars(rnum, np.array(cmpars, dtype=np.float64)) if nda.dtype == np.float64: self.da.common_mode_double_v0(rnum, nda) if nda.dtype == np.float32: self.da.common_mode_float_v0(rnum, nda) nda.shape = shape0
[docs] def common_mode_correction(self, par, nda, cmpars=None) : """Returns per-pixel array of common mode correction offsets. Parameters - par : int or psana.Event() - integer run number or psana event object. - nda : np.array - raw data with subtracted pedestals. Input data is not modified. - cmpars : list - common mode parameters, ex.: (1,50,50,100) By default uses parameters from calib directory. Returns - np.array - per-pixel common mode correction offsets. """ nda_cm_corr = np.array(nda, dtype=np.float32, copy=True) self.common_mode_apply(self.runnum(par), nda_cm_corr, cmpars) return nda_cm_corr - nda
[docs] def calib_data(self, evt) : """Alias for depricated method renamed to calib. """ return self.calib(evt)
##----------------------------- def _print_warning(self, msg='') : print '\nWARNING! %s: %s' % (self.__class__.__name__, msg) ##-----------------------------
[docs] def set_gain_mask_factor(self, gfactor=6.85) : """Sets the gain factor which is passed to gain_mask(...) in the det.calib and det.image methods. """ self._gain_mask_factor = gfactor
[docs] def calib(self, evt, cmpars=None, mbits=1, **kwargs) : """Returns per-pixel array of calibrated data intensities. Gets raw data ndarray, applys baic corrections and return thus calibrated data. Applied corrections: - pedestal subtraction, returns det.raw(evt) if file with pedestals is missing - apply common mode correction - gain_mask or "hybrid" gain from configuration object for CSPAD(2x2) only - gain if pixel_gain calibration file is available - apply mask generated from pixel status ("bad pixels" from calibration). Optionally apply other masks if "mbits" parameter set Parameters - evt : psana.Event() - psana event object. - cmpars : list - common mode parameters, ex.: (1,50,50,100) By default uses parameters from calib directory. - mbits : int - mask control bit-word. optional. defaults to 1. Bit definitions: + 1 - pixel_status ("bad pixels" deployed by calibman) + 2 - pixel_mask (deployed by user in "pixel_mask" calib dir) + 4 - edge pixels + 8 - big "central" pixels of a cspad2x1 + 16 - unbonded pixels + 32 - unbonded pixel with four neighbors + 64 - unbonded pixel with eight neighbors Returns - np.array - per-pixel array of calibrated intensities from data. """ if self.is_jungfrau() : return calib_jungfrau(self, evt, self.source, cmpars) rnum = self.runnum(evt) raw = self.raw(evt) if raw is None : if self.pbits & 32 : self._print_warning('calib(...) - raw data are missing.') return None peds = self.pedestals(evt) if peds is None : if self.pbits & 32 : self._print_warning('calib(...) - pedestals are missing, return raw data.') return np.array(raw, dtype=np.float32, copy=True) if raw.shape != peds.shape : if self.pbits & 32 : msg = 'calib(...) - raw.shape = %s is different from peds.shape = %s. Try reshaping to data...' \ % (str(raw.shape), str(peds.shape)) self._print_warning(msg) try : peds.shape = raw.shape except : return None cdata = np.array(raw, dtype=np.float32, copy=True) cdata -= peds # for cspad2x2 (2, 185, 388) if self.is_cspad2x2() : cdata = two2x1ToData2x2(cdata) # convert to DAQ shape for cspad2x2 ->(185, 388, 2) self.common_mode_apply(rnum, cdata, cmpars, **kwargs) if self.is_cspad2x2() : cdata = data2x2ToTwo2x1(cdata) # convert to Natural shape for cspad2x2 ->(2, 185, 388) # ------------- 2016-06-24, 08-30 gain_mask -> gain_mask_non_zero if self.is_cspad() : gainmask = self.gain_mask_non_zero(rnum, gain=self._gain_mask_factor) #print 'XXX: use _gain_mask_factor = ', self._gain_mask_factor #print 'XXX: gainmask.mean(): ', gainmask.mean() #print_ndarr(gainmask, 'XXX: det.calib(): apply gain_mask') if gainmask is None : if self.pbits & 32 : self._print_warning('calib(...) - gain_mask calibration in config store is missing.') else : cdata *= gainmask gain = self.gain(evt) if gain is None : if self.pbits & 32 : self._print_warning('calib(...) - pixel_gain calibration file is missing.') else : #print_ndarr(gain, 'XXX: det.calib(): apply gain') cdata *= gain # ------------- if mbits > 0 : #smask = self.status_as_mask(rnum) # (2, 185, 388) mask = self.mask_comb(evt, mbits, **kwargs) if mask is None : if self.pbits & 32 : self._print_warning('combined mask is missing.') else : mask.shape = cdata.shape cdata *= mask return cdata
[docs] def mask(self, par, calib=False, status=False, edges=False, central=False,\ unbond=False, unbondnbrs=False, unbondnbrs8=False, **kwargs) : """Returns per-pixel array with mask values (per-pixel product of all requested masks). Parameters - par : int or psana.Event() - integer run number or psana event object. - calib : bool - True/False = on/off mask from calib directory. - status : bool - True/False = on/off mask generated from calib pixel_status. Other parameters make sense for cspad 2x1 sensors only: - edges : bool - True/False = on/off mask of edges. - central : bool - True/False = on/off mask of two central columns. - unbond : bool - True/False = on/off mask of unbonded pixels. - unbondnbrs : bool - True/False = on/off mask of unbonded pixel with four neighbors. - unbondnbrs8: bool - True/False = on/off mask of unbonded pixel with eight neighbors. - kwargs : dict - additional parameters passed to low level methods (width,...) Returns - np.array - per-pixel mask values 1/0 for good/bad pixels. """ rnum = self.runnum(par) mask_nda = None if calib : mask_nda = self.mask_calib(par) if status : mask_nda = gu.merge_masks(mask_nda, self.status_as_mask(par)) mbits = 0 if edges : mbits += 1 if central : mbits += 2 if unbond : mbits += 4 if unbondnbrs : mbits += 8 if unbondnbrs8: mbits += 16 if mbits : mask_nda = gu.merge_masks(mask_nda, self.mask_geo(rnum, mbits, **kwargs)) return mask_nda
[docs] def mask_comb(self, par, mbits=0, **kwargs) : """Returns per-pixel array with combined mask controlled by mbits bit-word. This method has same functionality as method mask(...) but under control of a single bit-word mbits. Parameters - par : int or psana.Event() - integer run number or psana event object. - mbits : int - mask control bit-word. = 0 - returns None + 1 - pixel_status ("bad pixels" deployed by calibman) + 2 - pixel_mask (deployed by user in "pixel_mask" calib dir) + 4 - edge pixels + 8 - big "central" pixels of a cspad2x1 + 16 - unbonded pixels + 32 - unbonded pixel with four neighbors + 64 - unbonded pixel with eight neighbors - kwargs : dict - additional parameters passed to low level methods (width,...) Returns - np.array - per-pixel mask values 1/0 for good/bad pixels. """ rnum = self.runnum(par) #Check/return cached mask if rnum == self._rnum_mask\ and mbits == self._mbits_mask\ and self._mask_nda is not None : return self._mask_nda #Evaluate new mask self._rnum_mask = rnum self._mbits_mask = mbits self._mask_nda = self.mask(par,\ status = mbits&1,\ calib = mbits&2,\ edges = mbits&4,\ central = mbits&8,\ unbond = mbits&16,\ unbondnbrs = mbits&32,\ unbondnbrs8= mbits&64,\ **kwargs) return self._mask_nda
##----------------------------- # Geometry info
[docs] def geometry(self, par) : """Creates and returns detector geometry object. Parameter - par : psana.Event() | int - psana event object or run number Returns - PSCalib.GeometryAccess - detector geometry object. """ #rnum = self.runnum(par) return self.pyda.geoaccess(par)
[docs] def coords_x(self, par) : """Returns per-pixel array of x coordinates. Parameter - par : int or psana.Event() - integer run number or psana event object. Returns - np.array - array of pixel x coordinates. """ return self._shaped_array_(par, self.pyda.coords_x(par))
#rnum = self.runnum(par) #if self.iscpp : return self._shaped_array_(rnum, self.da.pixel_coords_x_v0(rnum)) #else : return self._shaped_array_(rnum, self.pyda.coords_x(par))
[docs] def coords_y(self, par) : """Returns per-pixel array of y coordinates. Parameter - par : int or psana.Event() - integer run number or psana event object. Returns - np.array - array of pixel y coordinates. """ return self._shaped_array_(par, self.pyda.coords_y(par))
#rnum = self.runnum(par) #if self.iscpp : return self._shaped_array_(rnum, self.da.pixel_coords_y_v0(rnum)) #else : return self._shaped_array_(rnum, self.pyda.coords_y(par))
[docs] def coords_z(self, par) : """Returns per-pixel array of z coordinates. Parameter - par : int or psana.Event() - integer run number or psana event object. Returns - np.array - array of pixel z coordinates. """ return self._shaped_array_(par, self.pyda.coords_z(par))
#rnum = self.runnum(par) #if self.iscpp : return self._shaped_array_(rnum, self.da.pixel_coords_z_v0(rnum)) #else : return self._shaped_array_(rnum, self.pyda.coords_z(par))
[docs] def coords_xy(self, par) : """Returns per-pixel arrays of x and y coordinates. Parameter - par : int or psana.Event() - integer run number or psana event object. Returns - np.array - 2 arrays of pixel x and y coordinates, respectively. """ rnum = self.runnum(par) cx, cy = self.pyda.coords_xy(par) return self._shaped_array_(rnum, cx), self._shaped_array_(rnum, cy)
[docs] def coords_xyz(self, par) : """Returns per-pixel arrays of x, y, and z coordinates. Parameter - par : int or psana.Event() - integer run number or psana event object. Returns - np.array - 3 arrays of pixel x, y, and z coordinates, respectively. """ rnum = self.runnum(par) cx, cy, cz = self.pyda.coords_xyz(par) return self._shaped_array_(rnum, cx), self._shaped_array_(rnum, cy), self._shaped_array_(rnum, cz)
[docs] def areas(self, par) : """Returns per-pixel array of pixel area. Parameter - par : int or psana.Event() - integer run number or psana event object. Returns - np.array - array of pixel areas. """ return self._shaped_array_(par, self.pyda.areas(par))
#rnum = self.runnum(par) #if self.iscpp : return self._shaped_array_(rnum, self.da.pixel_areas_v0(rnum)) #else : return self._shaped_array_(rnum, self.pyda.areas(par))
[docs] def mask_geo(self, par, mbits=255, **kwargs) : """Returns per-pixel array with mask controlled by mbits bit-word. Parameters - par : int or psana.Event() - integer run number or psana event object. - mbits : int - mask control bit-word. = 0 - returns None + 1 - edges + 2 - central + 4 - unbond + 8 - unbondnbrs - kwargs : dict - additional parameters passed to low level methods (width,...) Returns - np.array - per-pixel mask values 1/0 for good/bad pixels. """ return self._shaped_array_(par, self.pyda.mask_geo(par, mbits, **kwargs))
#rnum = self.runnum(par) #if self.iscpp : return self._shaped_array_(rnum, self.da.pixel_mask_geo_v0(rnum, mbits)) #else : return self._shaped_array_(rnum, self.pyda.mask_geo(par, mbits))
[docs] def indexes_x(self, par, pix_scale_size_um=None, xy0_off_pix=None, do_update=False) : """Returns array of pixel integer x indexes. Parameters - par : int or psana.Event() - integer run number or psana event object. - pix_scale_size_um : float - pixel scale size [um] which is used to convert coordinate in index. - xy0_off_pix : list of floats - image (x,y) origin offset in order to make all indexes positively defined. - do_update : bool - force to update cached array. Returns - np.array - array of pixel x indexes. """ return self._shaped_array_(par, self.pyda.indexes_x(par, pix_scale_size_um, xy0_off_pix, do_update))
#rnum = self.runnum(par) #if self.iscpp : return self._shaped_array_(rnum, self.da.pixel_indexes_x_v0(rnum)) #else : return self._shaped_array_(rnum, self.pyda.indexes_x(par, pix_scale_size_um, xy0_off_pix, do_update))
[docs] def indexes_y(self, par, pix_scale_size_um=None, xy0_off_pix=None, do_update=False) : """Returns array of pixel integer y indexes. Parameters - par : int or psana.Event() - integer run number or psana event object. - pix_scale_size_um : float - pixel scale size [um] which is used to convert coordinate in index. - xy0_off_pix : list of floats - image (x,y) origin offset in order to make all indexes positively defined. - do_update : bool - force to update cached array. Returns - np.array - array of pixel y indexes. """ return self._shaped_array_(par, self.pyda.indexes_y(par, pix_scale_size_um, xy0_off_pix, do_update))
#rnum = self.runnum(par) #if self.iscpp : return self._shaped_array_(rnum, self.da.pixel_indexes_y_v0(rnum)) #else : return self._shaped_array_(rnum, self.pyda.indexes_y(par, pix_scale_size_um, xy0_off_pix, do_update))
[docs] def indexes_xy(self, par, pix_scale_size_um=None, xy0_off_pix=None, do_update=False) : """Returns two arrays of pixel integer x and y indexes. Parameters - par : int or psana.Event() - integer run number or psana event object. - pix_scale_size_um : float - pixel scale size [um] which is used to convert coordinate in index. - xy0_off_pix : list of floats - image (x,y) origin offset in order to make all indexes positively defined. - do_update : bool - force to update cached array. Returns - (np.array, np.array) - list of two arrays of pixel x and y indexes, respectively. """ rnum = self.runnum(par) iX, iY = self.pyda.indexes_xy(par, pix_scale_size_um, xy0_off_pix, do_update) return self._shaped_array_(rnum, iX), self._shaped_array_(rnum, iY)
[docs] def point_indexes(self, par, pxy_um=(0,0), pix_scale_size_um=None, xy0_off_pix=None) : """Returns (ix, iy) indexes of the point (x,y) specified in [um]. Parameters - par : int or psana.Event() - integer run number or psana event object. - pxy_um : list of two float values - coordinates of the point in the detector frame, default (0,0) - pix_scale_size_um : float - pixel scale size [um] which is used to convert coordinate in index. - xy0_off_pix : list of floats - image (x,y) origin offset in order to make all indexes positively defined. Returns - tuple - (ix, iy) tuple of two indexes associated with input point coordinates. """ #rnum = self.runnum(par) ix, iy = self.pyda.point_indexes(par, pxy_um, pix_scale_size_um, xy0_off_pix) return ix, iy
[docs] def pixel_size(self, par) : """Returns pixel scale size in [um]. Parameters - par : int or psana.Event() - integer run number or psana event object. Returns - float - pixel size in [um]. """ psize = self.pyda.pixel_size(par) # Ex: 109.92 [um] #psize = self.da.pixel_scale_size_v0(self.runnum(par)) if self.iscpp\ # else self.pyda.pixel_size(par) # Ex: 109.92 [um] return psize if psize != 1 else None
[docs] def move_geo(self, par, dx, dy, dz) : """Moves detector. Parameters - par : int or psana.Event() - integer run number or psana event object. - dx, dy, dz : float - three coordinate increments [um] of the detector motion. """ #rnum = self.runnum(par) self.pyda.move_geo(par, dx, dy, dz)
[docs] def tilt_geo(self, par, dtx, dty, dtz) : """Tilts detector. Parameters - par : int or psana.Event() - integer run number or psana event object. - dtx, dty, dtz : float - three angular increments [deg] of the detector tilt. """ #rnum = self.runnum(par) self.pyda.tilt_geo(par, dtx, dty, dtz)
[docs] def image_xaxis(self, par, pix_scale_size_um=None, x0_off_pix=None) : """Returns array of pixel x coordinates associated with image x-y grid. Parameters - par : int or psana.Event() - integer run number or psana event object. - pix_scale_size_um : float - pixel scale size [um] which is used to convert coordinate in index. - x0_off_pix : float - origin x coordinate offset in number of pixels Returns - np.array - array of pixel x coordinates of image x-y grid. """ #rnum = self.runnum(par) return self.pyda.image_xaxis(par, pix_scale_size_um, x0_off_pix)
[docs] def image_yaxis(self, par, pix_scale_size_um=None, y0_off_pix=None) : """Returns array of pixel x coordinates associated with image x-y grid. Parameters - par : int or psana.Event() - integer run number or psana event object. - pix_scale_size_um : float - pixel scale size [um] which is used to convert coordinate in index. - y0_off_pix : float - origin y coordinate offset in number of pixels Returns - np.array - array of pixel y coordinates of image x-y grid. """ #rnum = self.runnum(par) return self.pyda.image_yaxis(par, pix_scale_size_um, y0_off_pix)
[docs] def image(self, evt, nda_in=None, pix_scale_size_um=None, xy0_off_pix=None, do_update=False) : """Returns 2-d array of intensities for imaging. Parameters - evt : psana.Event() - psana event object. - nda_in : input n-d array which needs to be converted in image; default - use calib methood. - pix_scale_size_um : float - pixel scale size [um] which is used to convert coordinate in index. - xy0_off_pix : list of floats - image (x,y) origin offset in order to make all indexes positively defined. - do_update : bool - force to update cached array. Returns - np.array - 2-d array of intensities for imaging. """ rnum = self.runnum(evt) nda = nda_in if nda_in is not None else self.calib(evt) if nda is None : return None shape = nda.shape if self.reshape_to_3d and len(shape)==3 and shape[0]==1: nda.shape = shape[1:] if len(nda.shape)==2 and self.dettype != gu.EPIX100A : return nda if self.is_cspad2x2() : nda = two2x1ToData2x2(nda) # convert to DAQ shape for cspad2x2 nda_img = np.array(nda, dtype=np.double).flatten() return self._nda_or_none_(self.pyda.image(rnum, nda_img, pix_scale_size_um, xy0_off_pix, do_update))
#if self.iscpp : return self._nda_or_none_(self.da.get_image_v0(rnum, nda_img)) #else : return self._nda_or_none_(self.pyda.image(rnum, nda_img, pix_scale_size_um, xy0_off_pix, do_update))
[docs] def ndarray_from_image(self, par, image, pix_scale_size_um=None, xy0_off_pix=None, do_update=False) : """Returns n-d array of intensities extracted from image using image bin indexes. Parameters - par : int or psana.Event() - integer run number or psana event object. - image : np.array - input 2-d array which will be converted to n-d array. - pix_scale_size_um : float - pixel scale size [um] which is used to convert coordinate in index. - xy0_off_pix : list of floats - image (x,y) origin offset in order to make all indexes positively defined. - do_update : bool - force to update cached array. Returns - np.array - n-d array of intensities made from image. """ #rnum = self.runnum(par) return self._shaped_array_(par, self.pyda.ndarray_from_image(par, image, pix_scale_size_um, xy0_off_pix, do_update))
#def __call__(self, evt, nda_in=None) : # """Alias for image in order to call it as det(evt,...)""" # return self.image(evt, nda_in) ##-----------------------------
[docs] def save_txtnda(self, fname='nda.txt', ndarr=None, cmts=(), fmt='%.1f', verbos=False, addmetad=True) : """Saves n-d array in the formatted text file with hash-type cumments and metadata. Parameters - fname : str - output file name. - ndarr : np.array - array of numerical values to save in text file. - cmts : list of str - list of strings which will be saved as comments in the file header. - fmt : str - format of values in the file. - verbose : bool - True/False = on/off messages from this method (about saved file etc.) - addmetad : bool - True/False = on/off saving methadata (data type, and shape info) in file. """ list_cmts = list(cmts) list_cmts.append('SOURCE %s' % gu.string_from_source(self.source)) # DO NOT ADD metadata for CSPAD and CSPAD2x2 addmd = False if ndarr.size in (2*185*388, 32*185*388) else addmetad self.pyda.save_txtnda(fname, ndarr, list_cmts, fmt, verbos, addmd)
[docs] def save_asdaq(self, fname='nda.txt', ndarr=None, cmts=(), fmt='%.1f', verbos=False, addmetad=True) : """Saves per-pixel n-d array shaped and ordered as in DAQ. The same functionality as in the method save_txtnda(...), but array is shuffled to DAQ order. Currently re-shuffle pixels for cspad2x2 only from natural shape=(2,185,388) to daq shape (185,388,2). For all other detectors n-d array is saved unchanged. Parameters - fname : str - output file name. - ndarr : np.array - array of numerical values to save in text file. - cmts : list of str - list of strings which will be saved as comments in the file header. - fmt : str - format of values in the file. - verbose : bool - True/False = on/off messages from this method (about saved file etc.) - addmetad : bool - True/False = on/off saving methadata (data type, and shape info) in file. """ is_cspad2x2_natural = (ndarr.size == 2*185*388 and len(ndarr.shape)>1 and ndarr.shape[-1] == 388) nda = two2x1ToData2x2(ndarr) if is_cspad2x2_natural else ndarr self.save_txtnda(fname, nda, cmts, fmt, verbos, addmetad)
[docs] def load_txtnda(self, fname) : """Returns n-d array loaded from specified formatted text file. Parameters - fname : str - input file name. Returns - np.array - array with values loaded from file, shaped in accordance with metadata (if available). If metadata is missing, output array will have 2- or 1-d shape; spaces and <next-lene> characters in the text file are used to find the shape of the array. """ return self.pyda.load_txtnda(fname)
[docs] def photons(self, evt, nda_calib=None, mask=None, adu_per_photon=None, thr_fraction=0.9) : """Returns 2-d or 3-d array of integer number of merged photons - algorithm suggested by Chuck. Parameters - evt : psana.Event() - psana event object. - nda_calib : (float, double, int, int16) numpy.array - calibrated data, float number of photons per pixel. - mask : (uint8) numpy.array user defined mask. - adu_per_photon : float conversion factor which is applied as nda_calib/adu_per_photon. - thr_fraction : float - fraction of the merged intensity which gets converted to one photon, def=0.9. Returns - np.array - 2-d or 3-d array of integer number of merged photons. """ if self.alg_photons is None : from Detector.AlgoAccess import alg_photons; self.alg_photons = alg_photons #rnum = self.runnum(evt) nda = nda_calib if nda_calib is not None else self.calib(evt) if nda is None : return None if adu_per_photon is not None and adu_per_photon !=0 : f = 1./adu_per_photon nda *= f msk = self.mask(evt, calib=True, status=True, edges=True, central=True, unbond=True, unbondnbrs=True) \ if mask is None else mask return self.alg_photons(nda, msk, thr_fraction)
##----------------------------- def shape_config(self, env) : return self.pyda.shape_config(env)
##----------------------------- ##----------------------------- ##----------------------------- ##----------------------------- ##----------------------------- ##----------------------------- if __name__ == "__main__" : """Self-test method. Usage: python <path>/ <test-number> """ from time import time import psana ntest = int(sys.argv[1]) if len(sys.argv)>1 else 1 print 'Test # %d' % ntest dsname, src = 'exp=cxif5315:run=169', psana.Source('DetInfo(CxiDs2.0:Cspad.0)') if ntest==2 : dsname, src = 'exp=meca1113:run=376', psana.Source('DetInfo(MecTargetChamber.0:Cspad2x2.1)') elif ntest==3 : dsname, src = 'exp=amob5114:run=403', psana.Source('DetInfo(Camp.0:pnCCD.0)') elif ntest==4 : dsname, src = 'exp=xppi0614:run=74', psana.Source('DetInfo(NoDetector.0:Epix100a.0)') print 'Example for\n dataset: %s\n source : %s' % (dsname, src) ds = psana.DataSource(dsname) env = ds.env() cls = env.calibStore() eviter = evt = rnum = for key in evt.keys() : print key det = AreaDetector(src, env, pbits=0) nda = det.pedestals(rnum) print '\nnda:\n', nda print 'nda.dtype: %s nda.shape: %s' % (nda.dtype, nda.shape) t0_sec = time() nda = det.raw(evt) print '\nConsumed time to get raw data (sec) =', time()-t0_sec print '\nnda:\n', nda.flatten()[0:10] sys.exit ('Self test is done') ##-----------------------------